Tuesday 22 April 2014

The Game Accuses Tiffaney,The Mother Of His Kids Of Brainwashing Them(DEATILS)

 The Game and Tiffney Cambridge‘s relationship has definitely been one of the more publicized and drama-filled couplings of 2014. The duo’s troubled relationship was the centerpiece of their VH1 reality show Marrying The Game, but the now separated couple has been involved in some heated drama involving domestic violence claims and a restraining order.
This past holiday weekend, The Game took to Instagram to let off A LOT of steam in a lengthy post claiming that he hasn’t seen his kids in over a month and that his ex-fiancĂ©e is brainwashing his kids.
The post has since been “deleted,” but check it out below:

1st off, I’d like to say.. Before you read this, I’d like to say I love my fans & sometimes venting to you guys is my ONLY therapy. The moment i decided to be famous… I waived the right to privacy & surrendered myself to my music & my fans….. & to be honest, I try to keep most of it in on some G shit but everyone has a BREAKING POINT & my weakness is my children.
Loving them too much has turned them into weapons to be used against me. & I say that to say, today I am……. LUCKY: I got to spend Easter & eat lunch with my 1st born. UN-LUCKY: haven’t got to spend time with both of my younger kids in over a month. FACTS: My 3 year old daughter told my mom that her mother told her that I am very bad man & a terrible father furthermore brainwashing Cali to harbor hate towards me preventing her from even wanting to speak to me. 3 year olds just don’t make these things up. MORE FACTS: I have dedicated my entire life to being the best father possible, ensuring my children are loved, cared for & have been provided for everyday since they were born.
QUESTIONS: How come men that fully take care of their children financially & are 100% emotionally & physically available and want to be fathers have to beg to see their children & are deprived….. & men that are dead beats, that don’t do shit for their kids are begged to be in their child’s lives & have to give nothing ?? Sometimes situations like this make niggas wish they were DEAD BEATS…. Them niggas got it easy !!!! No responsibility & ain’t got to drop a dime or invest anytime at all with their kids.. Just bust a nut & be gone. ANSWER: That’s Life. CALI & JUSTICE…. Your father loves you with all his heart & I hope you two had a wonderful Easter. This will be the 1st Easter since your births I wasn’t allowed to be apart of. No kids, no call, no happy Easter, no nothing…. The thanks I get for being an OUTSTANDING father their entire life !!! As my nigga @champagnepapi would say: “They Ain’t Got No Awards For That” #Trophies”

Let’s not forget: Cambridge claims that The Game not only broke her nose during an altercation, but he also injured their children. So it’s no wonder that she would want to distance herself. But The Game denies ever putting hands on her or their kids.

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