About us

NET is a 360 degrees media company, relying on past, present and future platforms to deliver accurate and up-to-the-minute news, entertainment and information to audiences wherever they are. Our website www.thenet.ng went live on November 23, 2009, while the print newspaper hit the newstands on April 26 2010. We have become the most authentic news source for those keen on happenings in the Nigerian entertainment scene; Nigeria’s fastest entertainment breaking news service, with hundreds of exclusive breaking news to our credit, and several major local and international news outlets regularly picking up leads and news from our site. Our weekly print edition, printed in different locations, and circulated nationally (in over 37 towns/cities across the country), is a bestseller in its right, moving over 10,000 copies per week with a rapidly increasing pass on rate. Our team of journalists, spread across different parts of the world, include...

Read More at thenet.ng/about/ Follow us: @theNETng on Twitter | theNETng on Facebook
NET is a 360 degrees media company, relying on past, present and future platforms to deliver accurate and up-to-the-minute news, entertainment and information to audiences wherever they are. Our website www.thenet.ng went live on November 23, 2009, while the print newspaper hit the newstands on April 26 2010. We have become the most authentic news source for those keen on happenings in the Nigerian entertainment scene; Nigeria’s fastest entertainment breaking news service, with hundreds of exclusive breaking news to our credit, and several major local and international news outlets regularly picking up leads and news from our site. Our weekly print edition, printed in different locations, and circulated nationally (in over 37 towns/cities across the country), is a bestseller in its right, moving over 10,000 copies per week with a rapidly increasing pass on rate. Our team of journalists, spread across different parts of the world, include...

Read More at thenet.ng/about/ Follow us: @theNETng on Twitter | theNETng on Facebook
NET is a 360 degrees media company, relying on past, present and future platforms to deliver accurate and up-to-the-minute news, entertainment and information to audiences wherever they are. Our website www.thenet.ng went live on November 23, 2009, while the print newspaper hit the newstands on April 26 2010. We have become the most authentic news source for those keen on happenings in the Nigerian entertainment scene; Nigeria’s fastest entertainment breaking news service, with hundreds of exclusive breaking news to our credit, and several major local and international news outlets regularly picking up leads and news from our site. Our weekly print edition, printed in different locations, and circulated nationally (in over 37 towns/cities across the country), is a bestseller in its right, moving over 10,000 copies per week with a rapidly increasing pass on rate. Our team of journalists, spread across different parts of the world, include...

Read More at thenet.ng/about/ Follow us: @theNETng on Twitter | theNETng on Facebook
NET is a 360 degrees media company, relying on past, present and future platforms to deliver accurate and up-to-the-minute news, entertainment and information to audiences wherever they are. Our website www.thenet.ng went live on November 23, 2009, while the print newspaper hit the newstands on April 26 2010. We have become the most authentic news source for those keen on happenings in the Nigerian entertainment scene; Nigeria’s fastest entertainment breaking news service, with hundreds of exclusive breaking news to our credit, and several major local and international news outlets regularly picking up leads and news from our site. Our weekly print edition, printed in different locations, and circulated nationally (in over 37 towns/cities across the country), is a bestseller in its right, moving over 10,000 copies per week with a rapidly increasing pass on rate. Our team of journalists, spread across different parts of the world, include...

Read More at thenet.ng/about/ Follow us: @theNETng on Twitter | theNETng on Facebook

Our Mission…

We can help you with IT solution and also we designs, builds, manages, and optimizes customized networks and software solutions which are strategically tailored to meet an organization’s goals and requirements. 

We offer proven network and software solutions and multi-vendor integration expertise to help our customers and partners increase their competitive edge. From assessment and planning to network support, we do not simply provide our clients with “off-the shelve” services; rather, we deliver customized solutions to meet specific business needs. 

Our experience across a wide spectrum of businesses and our key alliances with globally recognized network service providers help us to provide an unbiased perspective on the latest technological advances and their performance in a variety of environments.