Tuesday 22 April 2014

BankyW Slams Lady who Dissed Tiwa & Hubby for Having their Wedding in Dubai

                                                            See wahala!
Incase you didn't see it well, you can read it after the cut

  • Afrikaetal:

Why Dubai all the time. Use the powerful platform you have to promote your home country instead of the hypocrisy of always running to other Countries. If you all invest
the money into small businesses in Nigeria or Africa at large, we too will have others running to us. # proudly African# 4h

  • Bankywellington's reply:

@afrikaetal Such comments irritate me. We use the platforms we have to promote Nigeria all the time. We invest our money in Nigeria. You don't know the number of Nigerians we employ, the number of kids we put through school with scholarships, the number of health care bills we pay for people... you don't know the number of Nigerian companies we bank roll and float or the number of ideas we invest.
It's hard enough finding happiness in this world... Two people should be able to celebrate it any way they feel like it!!! PLUS They already did their traditional wedding in Nigeria, they should be free to do whatever or go wherever they want for the white wedding. It's THEIR wedding. Not a country's.. not a state's... not mine.. and certainly not yours. Leave them be. People all over the world get married, go on vacations or honeymoons, wherever they feel like it all over the world. Our ppl shld be allowed to do the same without being branded hypocrites. You and the high horse you rode in on should have several seats. My goodness.

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