Saturday 15 February 2014

Tyrese And Ex Wife In Custody Battle(DETAILS)

 Tyrese Gibson has made a head way to go after his ex-wife for not letting him visit their daughter... and worst case scenario for her is JAIL.

TMZ revealed that the ... cops came to Norma Gibson's home Tuesday night over Tyrese's right to take their 6-year-old daughter away for a visit.  The cops and Tyrese and left... without his daughter.

He's now filed a formal motion with the court to hold Norma in contempt for violating their custody order.  In the legal doc -- obtained by TMZ -- Tyrese quotes from the custody order, which seems pretty clear -- "[Tyrese] shall have custody of Shayla every Tuesday with pick-up from school, and if no school, pick-up from [Norma's] residence at 10:00 a.m."

It's interesting -- Tyrese showed up Tuesday NIGHT -- not at 10 AM.
... he tried picking up his daughter at school -- but she wasn't there. And could not contact Norma... and finally went to Norma's house that night .. where he was turned away.

We're told Norma told Tyrese their daughter was sick and that's why she wouldn't let her go.

Do you think Tyrese is taking it too far?

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