Friday 10 January 2014

How A Sweet Photo Of A Dad Combing His Daughter’s Hair Disturbed The Internet (DETAILS)

 Doyin Richards, 39, is currently taking a paternity leave of absence from his job in learning development to care for his daughters, ages 6 months and 2 years, and chronicles daddyhood on his blog. Normal business, but the photo shattered the internet after he, unbeknownst to the attention it would attract, posted it across his social platforms.

         ''He describes the photo''

''One morning last week, MDW was running late for work and was worried that she wouldn’t be able to get DDW1′s hair done before I had to take her to school. I told her that she could leave and I’d handle it. She countered by saying that doing her hair requires attention and the baby would get upset if I left her alone while I played the role of stylist. Again, I told her that I’d handle it. On the way out she said, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
That’s when I put DDW2 in the Ergo, stood DDW1 on a stool and worked my hair magic. During the process, I thought, “There’s no way my wife will believe me if I don’t take a picture of this.” That’s when I set my camera up, put it on a 10-second timer, and took the photo you’re looking at right now. After 15 minutes of multitasking, the final result was a nice, tight ponytail for big sister and a happily sleeping baby in the carrier. Mission accomplished. I emailed the photo to her with the caption “Boom.” and we both got a good laugh out of it
But nothing on these nets is all good. Doyin was flooded with a bevy of private messages and comments from the photo, some of them race related, and others just plain full of hate. He posted a sampling of some of the private messages and comments he received after posting the photo:

These are some of the messages and comments he received:
- “He probably rented those kids. They don’t even look like him.”
- “I would bet anything that you’re a deadbeat.”
- “OK buddy, cute picture. Now why don’t you hand the children back to their mom so you can go back to selling drugs or your bootleg rap CDs?”
- “So do you do this for all of your illegitimate kids?”
-“This would be so much better if those kids were BLACK!”
- “Look at this Uncle Tom. No chance he would be doing this if his kids were black.”
- “I’m sorry, but I can’t support a brotha who didn’t marry a black woman.”
- “Your MOM is black and you dishonored her by marrying outside of your race? You probably can’t handle a strong black woman.”
That’s a lot of hatred for a man simply taking care of his kids.

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