Tuesday 24 May 2016

Indian Woman Strips N@k3d While Arguing With Police Officers (Watch Video)

Indian Woman Strips N@k3d While Arguing With Police Officers (Watch Video)

Indian Woman Strips N@k3d While Arguing With Police Officers (Watch Video)
A footage has emerged showing an angry woman stripping before police officers and slapping her private parts in a police station. In the footage shared by Liveleaks, she is seen arguing with officers as they try to make her put on her clothes. She repeatedly slaps her genitals in protest.
The incident which happened at a police station in Ahmedabad, the largest city in India’s Gujarat region has generated comments online. It is yet unclear what brought the woman to the police station. However, she could be charged considering that public nudity is considered an obscene act under the laws of India and is therefore illegal.
Some viewers, commenting on the video, have suggested the woman is in fact part of India’s transgender community called the Hijra. Someone also commented:
“That may or may not be a muff. This person is in fact a Hijra (basically a transman/woman, but can be much broader including hermaphrodites and others. Kind of a blanket term). S/he (ze? hir? f*ck knows) is one of a group of these people. They typically make their livings by bestowing blessings or (if you piss them off or refuse to make donations) by cursing people. Hijras curse people by clapping in their direction – which she does repeatedly in the video. You’d be surprised how effective this strategy can be: I’ve personally witnessed a gang of them shake down the occupants of an entire train. So in all likelyhood, s/he was arrested for shaking people down and is trying to worm her way out of it by cursing the police officers in this video.”
According to Wikipedia, Hijra is a term used in South Asia – in particular, in India – to refer to trans women (male-to-female transsexual or transgender individuals). In other areas of India, transgender people are also known as Aravani, Aruvani or Jagappa.
Watch video below:

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