Monday 2 March 2015

Apple shows off iPhone 6 camera with dedicated photo gallery

There is little doubt about the fact that iPhone have had some of the best mobile phone cameras for a while now, and that the iPhone 6 is easily the best camera Apple ever put on a phone. The iPhone camera is also one of the most popular, being the number one camera on Flickr (and this includes phones and proper cameras) for several years now.

The company has now made a dedicated gallery of images on its website showcasing some of the pictures people around the world have taken with the iPhone 6. Each photo is followed by a description of what’s going on in the photo, along with the name of the app(s) used to create the image.
When seen out of context it would be hard to tell that some of these were taken using a smartphone. Also, most of the images have been captured using the stock Camera app without any editing or filters applied on top. All the images look terrific, not just due to the image quality but because of the quality of the photography, and are actually a good source of inspiration for what you can do with your phone camera the next time you step out of the house.
You can check out the gallery in the link below. It’s a bit image heavy, so make sure you do it on Wi-Fi.

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