Monday 14 July 2014

This is serious! Men Reveal Why They Cheat

  • I cheated on my fiancĂ©e with another woman because we were not intimate with one another. She wanted to wait for marriage. It's not that I did not love her, I just wanted to fulfill other needs that she wasn’t ready to meet,”
  • I'm happy with my woman...but I love sex and I want to have with different gorgeous women. To me that’s not cheating because I don’t fall in love with these women. I tell them that I'm involved, what I want is pleasure from them.
  • Men cheat to feel empowered, to gain an advantage over whatever insecurities they may have, sometimes we do it to feed the greed of lust and because at times we can. They are sometimes not satisfied with whatever they should be getting, be it sex, love, emotional attachment,” 
  • Yoh, I was the most loyal person to my woman. I loved my wife with all my heart. I did everything for her. I kiss her every day, three times a day. We are great together. There was no problem. Until one day this woman who worked with me started throwing herself at me with no shame whatsoever. She was hot. It took me a long time to ignore her until one day we were both drunk at a party and she was all over me. I forgot that the word NO ever existed. It was on!. Since then I never looked back. I have tasted the sweeter apple..."
  • There are too many social media distractions  that open up space for secrecy in a relationship. Men flirt with the people they chat to and go as far as exchanging numbers because they know that their women don’t have access to their private space
  • Men are also not good with commitment. The girl we cheat with obviously offers us something that the girlfriend failed to offer. It's simple. We have no self control because we lust.

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