Wednesday 4 June 2014

Nigerian Breweries Under Fire As NFF Accuses The Brewing Giant Of Infringing On Super Eagles Property

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has expressed its disappointment, by issuing stern warnings to corporate organizations against ambush marketing alluding to the Super Eagles property for which the NFF and its official sponsors reserve an exclusive right.
It has been observed that as the African champions get set to participate at the 20th FIFA World Cup finals in Brazil, organizations that hitherto kept away from associating with the Super Eagles have recently created all forms of unlicensed advertising, which subtly or overtly associates them with the team.

In view of these violations, the Nigerian Football Federation has come out hard against brewing giant, Nigeria Breweries Plc, for its deliberate infringement on the guidelines for associating with the national team and becoming legitimate sponsors. 
NFF’s concerns on the violations of its rights on the Super Eagles and by implications the rights of its official sponsors have once again called to question APCON’s regulatory standards.
Under Chapter Three (Special Provisions) in the APCON alcoholic beverages regulations, Article 32 (b), 33 (b), 34 (b) and 35 (b) clearly states that “children, sports men/women and pregnant women shall not be used as models” in advertising alcoholic beverages.  
Analysts believe these sections have been subtly violated by popular beer brand, Star’s endorsement of ex-Super Eagles internationals as its sport’s brand ambassadors, which recently showcased advertising communications with these models.
More so, without any form of agreement with the NFF who are property owners of these Super Eagles legends by virtue of their status as ex-Super Eagles players.
In a letter to Nigeria Breweries Plc, NFF General Secretary, Barrister Musa Amadu, decried the fact that Nigeria Breweries had launched communication materials across Nigeria featuring ex-players of the Super Eagles, giving the impression that they are an official sponsor of the team.
Amadu also added that NFF have equally noticed other outdoor materials with un-named faces in green and white jerseys all in an attempt to associate with the Super Eagles’ participation at the forthcoming FIFA World Cup finals in Brazil, and gain undue advantage.
“We declare that this is nothing but blatant market ambushing and this is not only uncalled for, but highly unprofessional.”
The Federation went ahead to issue Nigerian Breweries Plc a seven-day ultimatum within which to remove the said materials on billboards and other outdoor creatives, “failing which the NFF and Guinness, who is known as the official sponsors of the Super Eagles will take legal action against NB PLC and seek appropriate damages.”
It would be recalled that less than a year ago, there was an outcry on the seemingly double standards in regulatory approval in the alcoholic beverage industry involving the two brewing giants.
Analysts have queried why Nigerian Breweries was allowed to advertise its premium lager beer on UEFA Champions League matches broadcast before 8.p.m while Guinness Nigeria was sanctioned on the same and instructed to withdraw the advertisement of its brand during English Premiership League.

As the Super Eagles engage their counterparts at the World Cup in the coming weeks, industry watchers are interested in how organizations align with the principles and rules guiding sponsorship engagements vis-a-vis how regulatory bodies responsible for keeping the standards dish out punitive measures to stem what may become a dangerous trend of poorly managed brand-property association.

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