Tuesday 29 April 2014

A Teen left her baby outside to die because he looked like her ex-boyfriend

An 18-year-old Chicago teenager is facing a first-degree murder charge after she wrapped her newborn baby in a bag and left him outside to die.
Police investigating the incident say Ana Rosa Mora wanted to kill the infant because she feared the child would look like her ex-boyfriend, causing her current boyfriend to leave her. The baby boy died of asphyxia and possible exposure, authorities said.

 According to the NY Daily News:

The mother gave birth over the weekend and came to school Monday after allegedly committing the act — even showing staff members pictures of a newborn girl that she downloaded from the Internet, authorities said.
But after employees noticed strange behavior — such as the girl asking if authorities could link her to the child through DNA and lying about the baby’s age — they alerted authorities. The child had been found by a construction worker a few hours after the child was left outside, authorities said.

Mora, who was scheduled to graduate from high school in June, was arrested on Friday. She is held on $500.000 bail.

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