Thursday 6 February 2014

Teacher Suspended For Assigning Lil Wayne Lyrics As Homework (DETAILS)

A Florida teacher was suspended for three days after assigning students Lil Wayne lyrics to interpret for homework. According to TIME, the eighth grade teacher assigned Wayne’s 2010 hit “6 Foot 7 Foot” and parents were outraged, arguing that the song is too explicit for tweens.
Wayne Ownes, the principal of The Charter Schools Of Boynton Beach, released a statement on the incident, calling it a failed attempt at identifying literary devices.

“The lesson was for students to learn to identify literary devices.  The teacher had already introduced Edgar Allen Poe and Shakespeare.  Students were having difficulty undastanding  the concepts of literary devices such as: pun, simile, metaphor, so the teacher wanted to use a more material. This material did not meet the school’s standards and was not approved.  The teacher recognizes that it was totally inappropriate for a school assignment.” wrote Owens.
Maybe a less explicit song would do, but using rap lyrics to teach literary devices is pretty creative, if you ask us.
Imagine using MI lyrics to teach literary terms....lolzzzzz

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