Wednesday 8 January 2014

LoL! Escaped Inmate Turns Himself In Because It Is Too Damn Cold (DETAILS)

Let me tell you what can wait until this polar vortex has passed over North America. Freedom.
That’s exactly what inmate Robert Vick thought when he escaped from a minimum security facility in Lexington, Kentucky on Sunday, only to call police to pick him up because it was too cold.

Temperatures in Lexington are in the single digits and wind chill is making the temperature feel even lower, something Vick wasn’t about to stick around for. So the 42-year-old imprisoned for burglary and criminal possession walked into a motel and asked the clerk to call the police.

According to the Associated Press, Vick told the clerk he wanted to turn himself in and escape the arctic air, Lexington police spokeswoman Sherelle Roberts said.

Vick was checked out by paramedics and returned to Blackburn Correctional Complex, Roberts said.
“This was definitely of his own volition,” she said. “It’s cold out there, too cold to run around. I can understand why the suspect would turn himself in.”

The Lexington Fire Department treated Vick for hypothermia Monday evening, Roberts said. A call to the department was not immediately returned Tuesday morning.

I guess his sentence of six years in a warm bed with free food is better than being outside in this arctic weather — even if it’s spent behind bars hehehehe.

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