Thursday 16 January 2014

LAPD Justify Raid, Bieber Worried About Sexts On His Confiscated Cell Phone (DETAILS)

The L.A. County Sheriff’s office ain’t worried about nothin’ in the wake of their raid on Justin Bieber’s mansion. While many are suggesting their use of force was excessive, the lieutenant who ordered the search believes it was just enough.

Lieutenant David Thompson ordered 11 police cars and a dozen detectives to carry out a search on Justin’s $6.5 million dollar Calabasas, CA bachelor pad after police responded to a neighbor’s complaints that Bieber had egged his home. Thompson’s only regret is that he didn’t order more officers to the scene.
“I’m being criticized for having too much, but I don’t think I had enough,” he said.

“We were dealing with three locations,” he said. “And we had no idea how many people were in the house. He had so many people in there before – some tied to guns, drugs and all kinds of things. The decision was based on how many people to expect, which we didn’t know, and it was also based on previous contacts, which have always been negative,” David told Fox News. “I stand by my decision.”

“We had 12 detectives and there were in fact seven people at the house. To me, those odds aren’t that good,” he said.
In addition to the 11 police cars and 12 detectives, Thompson initially ordered the SWAT team to the property, but made the decision to have them stay back.
According to police, when they arrived on the scene, they discovered $20,000 worth of damage to the neighbor’s home.
“The victim and his young daughter were in the line of fire for the eggs, which is an assault,” Thompson said.
According to the lieutenant, the egging is considered a felony because of the high price tag on the damages. He revealed that the search warrant was written by L.A. Police and authorized by a judge Tuesday morning.
“When we got there, we were looking for anything that would support the crime,” he said. ” We were not looking for eggs. We were looking for security footage, which we did get.”

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